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Environment variables

name description
ENV Represents the current environment, can be DEVELOPMENT, TEST, and PRODUCTION
LOG_LEVEL Represents the log level for the logging module, can be NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL
DATABASE_URL Represents the connection string to the database, you can read more about schema url
CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_MINUTES Represents how long an item will last in the cache
API_URL Represents the url of api rest
ADMIN_URL Represents the url of frontend of the admin
APP_URL Represents the url of frontend of the webside
REDIS_URL Represents the url of Redis
CELERY_TASK_SERIALIZER Represents the default serialization method to use. Can be pickle json, yaml, msgpack or any custom serialization methods
EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED Represents if the server can send notifications through email
SYSTEM_EMAIL Represents the email of Breathecode for support
SAVE_LEADS Represents if Breathecode will persist the leads
COMPANY_NAME Represents the company name
COMPANY_CONTACT_URL Represents the company contact url
COMPANY_LEGAL_NAME Represents the company legal name
COMPANY_ADDRESS Represents the company address
MEDIA_GALLERY_BUCKET Represents the bucket for the media gallery
DOWNLOADS_BUCKET Represents the bucket for the CSV files
PROFILE_BUCKET Represents the bucket for profile avatars