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Schedule Tasks

You should schedule a execution to be executed after a provided time, you need to have set-up task_manager command to use this feature. It is used frequently to make sure that the execution will be executed even if Redis was turned off.

Using schedule_task

It returns an instance of ScheduledTaskManager.


  • task: a Celery task.
  • eta: when it will be executed, it requires a number + a unit, example: 2w is 2 weeks.

ETA units

  • s: seconds.
  • m: minutes.
  • h: hours.
  • d: days.
  • w: weeks.


import logging
from task_manager.django.actions import schedule_task
from .tasks import async_remove_from_organization

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@receiver(pre_delete, sender=CohortUser)
def delete_cohort_user(sender, instance, **_):
    # never ending cohorts cannot be in synch with github
    if instance.cohort.never_ends:
        return None

    logger.debug('Cohort user deleted, removing from organization')
    args = (,
    kwargs = {'force': True}

    manager = schedule_task(async_remove_from_organization, '1w')
    if not manager.exists(*args, **kwargs):*args, **kwargs)


This class manages the scheduling tasks



  • task: a Celery task.
  • eta: when it will be executed, it requires a number + a unit, example: 2w is 2 weeks.


Schedule a task execution. It accepts the arguments whichever you should pass to delay method.


Shortcut method that uses call method internally.


Asynchronous version of call method.


Return True if the task exists, False otherwise. It accepts the arguments whichever you should pass to delay method.


Get a queryset of ScheduledTask's. It accepts the arguments whichever you should pass to delay method.

See all scheduled tasks in Django Admin

Go to /admin/task_manager/scheduledtask/.