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HTTP clients

You could write a new implementation for a HTTP client here src/linked_services/core/

HTTP client preference


  1. aiohttp.
  2. httpx.
  3. requests.


  1. httpx.
  2. requests.

Which are supported right now

  • aiohttp.
  • requests.

SyncService methods

  • __enter__: called when it gets entered into an sync context.
  • __exit__: called when it gets exited from an sync context.
  • _sync_proxy: called when it requires that the response be a REST framework response.
  • _sync_get: called when it tries to do a get request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _sync_options: called when it tries to do a options request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _sync_head: called when it tries to do a head request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _sync_post: called when it tries to do a post request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _sync_webhook: called when it tries to trigger an webhook, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _sync_put: called when it tries to do a put request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _sync_patch: called when it tries to do a patch request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _sync_delete: called when it tries to do a delete request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _sync_request: called when it tries to do a generic request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.

AsyncService methods

  • __aenter__: called when it gets entered into an async context.
  • __aexit__: called when it gets exited from an async context.
  • _async_proxy: called when it requires that the response be a REST framework response.
  • _async_get: called when it tries to do a get request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _async_options: called when it tries to do a options request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _async_head: called when it tries to do a head request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _async_post: called when it tries to do a post request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _async_webhook: called when it tries to trigger an webhook, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _async_put: called when it tries to do a put request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _async_patch: called when it tries to do a patch request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _async_delete: called when it tries to do a delete request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.
  • _async_request: called when it tries to do a generic request, it returns a HTTP response or a Rest response.

How to implement a new HTTP client

You must implement an SyncService and AsyncService for your new library.

Detecting your new client

First, you need to add an import test here, it will tell to the rest of the code which clients are available.

    "requests": False,
    "aiohttp": False,  # no implemented yet
    "httpx": False,

    import requests

    LIBRARIES["requests"] = True

except ImportError:

    from aiohttp.client_reqrep import ClientResponse

    LIBRARIES["aiohttp"] = True

except ImportError:

    import httpx  # noqa: F401

    LIBRARIES["httpx"] = True

except ImportError:

Implementing SyncService and AsyncService

You must use elif LIBRARIES["your-client"]: to check if your library is available, also, you must remind each client has a different relevance, so, sort them by relevance.

SyncService example

Implementing requests library.

if LIBRARIES["requests"]:

    class SyncService:

        def __enter__(self) -> "Service":

            self.sync = True

            if isinstance(self.app_pk, self._get_app_cls()):
       = self.app_pk
                return self

       = self._get_app(self.app_pk)

            except Exception:
                raise AppNotFound(f"App {self.app_pk} not found")

            return self

        def __exit__(
            exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
            exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
            exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
        ) -> None:

        def _sync_proxy(self, request: Callable[[], requests.Response], stream: bool) -> StreamingHttpResponse:
                response = request()

            except Exception as e:
                raise ValidationException("Unexpected error: " + str(e), code=500, slug="unexpected-error")

            header_keys = [x for x in response.headers.keys() if x not in self.banned_keys]

            if stream:
                resource = StreamingHttpResponse(

                for header in header_keys:
                    resource[header] = response.headers[header]

                return resource

            headers = {}

            for header in header_keys:
                headers[header] = response.headers[header]

            return HttpResponse(response.content, status=response.status_code, headers=headers)

        def _sync_get(self, url, params=None, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)

            if self.sync is False:
                params = kwargs.pop("params", None)

            headers = self._authenticate("get", params=params, **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return requests.get(url, params=params, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

        def _sync_options(self, url, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("options", **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return requests.options(url, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

        def _sync_head(self, url, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("head", **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return requests.head(url, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

        def _sync_post(self, url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("post", data=data, json=json, **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return, data=data, json=json, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

        def _sync_webhook(self, url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs):
            url =
            headers = self._authenticate("post", data=data, json=json, **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return, data=data, json=json, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

        def _sync_put(self, url, data=None, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("put", data=data, **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return requests.put(url, data=data, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

        def _sync_patch(self, url, data=None, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("patch", data=data, **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return requests.patch(url, data=data, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

        def _sync_delete(self, url, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("delete", **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return requests.delete(url, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

        def _sync_request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate(method, **kwargs)

            def request() -> requests.Response:
                return requests.request(method, url, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            if self.proxy:
                return self._sync_proxy(request, kwargs.get("stream", False))

            res = request()

            return res

AsyncService example

Implementing aiohttp library.

if LIBRARIES["aiohttp"]:

    class AsyncService:

        async def __aenter__(self) -> "Service":

            self.sync = False

            if isinstance(self.app_pk, self._get_app_cls()):
       = self.app_pk

       = await sync_to_async(self._get_app)(self.app_pk)

            self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession()

            # this should be extended
            await self.session.__aenter__()

            return self

        async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
            for obj in self.to_close:
                await obj.__aexit__(*args, **kwargs)

            await self.session.__aexit__(*args, **kwargs)

        # django does not support StreamingHttpResponse with aiohttp due to django would have to close the response
        async def _async_proxy(self, response: Coroutine[Any, Any, ClientResponse]) -> HttpResponse:
                r = await response

            except Exception as e:
                raise ValidationException("Unexpected error: " + str(e), code=500, slug="unexpected-error")

            header_keys = [x for x in r.headers.keys() if x not in self.banned_keys]

            headers = {}
            for header in header_keys:
                headers[str(header)] = r.headers[header]

            return HttpResponse(await, status=r.status, headers=headers)

        def _async_get(self, url, params=None, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("get", params=params, **kwargs)

            obj = self.session.get(url, params=params, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res

        def _async_options(self, url, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("options", **kwargs)

            obj = self.session.options(url, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res

        def _async_head(self, url, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("head", **kwargs)

            obj = self.session.head(url, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res

        def _async_post(self, url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("post", data=data, json=json, **kwargs)

            obj =, data=data, json=json, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res

        def _async_webhook(self, url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs):
            url =
            headers = self._authenticate("post", data=data, json=json, **kwargs)

            obj =, data=data, json=json, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res

        def _async_put(self, url, data=None, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("put", data=data, **kwargs)

            obj = self.session.put(url, data=data, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res

        def _async_patch(self, url, data=None, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("patch", data=data, **kwargs)

            obj = self.session.patch(url, data=data, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res

        def _async_delete(self, url, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate("delete", **kwargs)

            obj = self.session.delete(url, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res

        def _async_request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
            url = + self._fix_url(url)
            headers = self._authenticate(method, **kwargs)

            obj = self.session.request(method, url, **kwargs, headers=headers)

            res = obj.__aenter__()

            # wraps client response to be used within django views
            if self.proxy:
                return self._async_proxy(res)

            return res